A variety of tooth and jaw issues can be resolved through orthodontics. Our doctors may point out that your child's baby teeth appear crowded, or the relationship between the upper lower teeth isn't ideal. While it’s not generally a time for treatment, it may help you prepare for the possibility of future corrective care. As permanent teeth start to appear, usually around age 6, our doctors will monitor the child's development and determine if early orthodontic intervention is needed.
Although many orthodontic wearers are teenagers, braces play a role for some children in their earlier years. Since permanent teeth are typically larger than baby teeth, space may need to be opened with the gentle force of braces or a device called a palatal expander. This allows adult teeth to move into place correctly, helping avoid more extensive treatment later.
A narrow jaw or a large overbite may create a similar dilemma. Gently guiding your child’s jaw growth while they are developing can make a tremendous difference down the road. Once the growth stops during teen years, the only corrective measure often involves surgery which is always a scenario to avoid when possible.
Many youngsters benefit from orthodontics after the baby teeth have fallen out and the permanent teeth have moved into place. This classic case may start in the early teen years, leaving a nicely aligned and highly functional set of teeth as your teen enters adulthood. The length of time spent wired-up can vary, but average treatment time often falls around two years.
Orthodontic treatment can solve almost every possible bite issue, but success relies on good patient compliance. Wearing elastic bands consistently, keeping follow-up appointments for adjustments, and practicing outstanding home care can lead to a positive outcome. This commitment involves frequent preventive visits with your hygienist as well, a strategy that helps avoid permanent staining from weakened enamel and cavities around brackets. Pacific Dental Care
in Pleasanton, CA
specializes in helping our orthodontic patients enjoy a successful outcome: a gorgeous, healthy smile.
Helping our youngest patients grow into healthy young adults is a highlight for our team. Children undergo constant growth and development that present special challenges for an optimal outcome. And childhood tooth decay can create a lifetime of problems often avoided with an early preventive plan.
Parents know that teen years present unique challenges. When it comes to dental health, rapid changes influence adolescents moving into adulthood. Cavity activity can suddenly accelerate with more independence in food and drink habits. Concurrently, oral hygiene activity sometimes becomes inconsistent. A good partnership with our team can set your teen up for a lifetime of benefits.
Sometimes dental problems follow otherwise healthy people through life. Understanding the causes behind dental disease can eliminate the frustration that builds as teeth deteriorate. Creating a customized preventive routine can leave you looking forward to the good news at your dental visits.
Deep crevices run across the chewing surface of molars. Even though a toothbrush can skim across these surfaces, the narrow grooves trap bacteria beyond the bristles. Cavities may form and end up abscessing without warning, destroying valuable tooth structure. Protecting the grooves with a bonded sealer might be worth exploring.
Metal grins fill the pages of many high school yearbooks. But braces offer benefits at many different stages of life. Identifying problems at an early age often allows ideal timing in orthodontic treatment, resulting in a perfect outcome. Monitoring growth and development at your child's regular preventive visits is just part of our commitment to your family's dental health.
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