Keep On Smiling!
We offer oral surgical procedures to preserve or enhance your long-term health.
Minor surgical procedures involving the teeth, gums, and jaw may be needed to preserve or enhance long-term health and function.
While we always do our best to preserve your natural teeth, each situation deserves consideration. If the discussion we have together leads to a surgical correction, we will take every step to ensure your comfort and safety.
We use the best methods and equipment to provide a quick and painless visit. Sedation options also offer a range of anxiety-reduction methods that you may wish to consider as well.
A damaged tooth beyond repair may need removal. We also understand patients sometimes choose to remove a tooth due to financial limitations. We will always work with you to help find the best solution for your situation.
Some situations that may require surgical correction are biopsies of suspicious tissue, reshaping of gum defects, and removal of obtrusive bone.
On occasion, the doctor may recommend a referral to a trusted specialist. Anytime we feel you'll be best served by another colleague trained in a special dental care area, we won't hesitate to refer you to the care that best fits your needs.
A damaged tooth may need removal if it's beyond repair. We also understand patients sometimes choose to remove a tooth due to financial limitations. We'll always work hard to help you find the solution that fits every aspect of your situation.
Gum Defects.
An obtrusive bone is where an area of the mouth has a prominent section of bone which creates a circumstance that may require removing some of the bone in that area to create more space. This removal is occasionally done before surgery for dental implants.
Mon & Tue 7am - 4pm
Wed & Thurs 10am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturdays 9am - 3pm (2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month)
Business Hours
Mon - Tues: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Wed - Thurs: 10:00am - 7:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
(every other)
Sat - Sun: Closed
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