Give Your Child Optimal Oral Function

We offer frenectomy procedures to help your child’s oral function and to prevent periodontal issues in the future.


A frenum or frenulum is a small piece of tissue that attaches either the upper lip to the gum tissue or the tongue to the floor of the mouth.

In some children, this frenum or frenulum is attached too tightly and can pull on the lips or gums causing tongue-tie. This can also cause problems nursing, speech issues, or trouble eating or drinking. It can also cause pulling on the gums around teeth that can create a periodontal issue as the child ages.

Our team is dedicated to caring for your child and protecting their oral health for years to come. Call to set up a consultation to see if a frenectomy is right for your child.

The Procedure

During a frenectomy, the dentist makes a small incision in the frenum or frenulum, allowing for greater movement of the lips. Results are instant, and this simple procedure can be done in-office with a local anesthetic. The incision site usually heals in a few days with little to no discomfort.

Benefits of a Frenectomy. 


During a frenectomy, the dentist makes a small incision in the frenum or frenulum, allowing for greater movement of the lips. The incision site usually heals in a few days with little to no discomfort.



This simple procedure can be done in-office with a local anesthetic and usually heals in a few days, allowing for greater movement of the lips with instant results.


Give Your Child Optimal Oral Function


Call or schedule an appointment online.

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